I've done some shopping at bensbackwoods a while back; give him your trust you'll like his way of doing business. He sells no-fuzz usable outdoor gear.
Ben, get us a review of the Aquamira Frontier Pro Ultralight Water Filter :-)!
I hope you will take the time to make some interesting posts on this blog. Blogs can be a timesink. But they can be good if you set a good pace that doesn't take time away from better things.
I look forward to seeing your post.
ReplyDeleteHi all
ReplyDeleteI've done some shopping at bensbackwoods a while back; give him your trust you'll like his way of doing business. He sells no-fuzz usable outdoor gear.
Ben, get us a review of the Aquamira Frontier Pro Ultralight Water Filter :-)!
I hope you will take the time to make some interesting posts on this blog. Blogs can be a timesink. But they can be good if you set a good pace that doesn't take time away from better things.